Ho’oponopono and Manifestation – When Ancient Wisdom Combines

Ho'oponopono and Manifestation

Ho’oponopono and manifestation. These two ancient techniques are being bought together and taking the world by storm, clearing limiting beliefs and generating positivity like never before. But what is Ho’oponopono and how can it be used to amplify your manifestations?   Have you ever had one of those days where the universe just wasn’t playing […]

9 Hot Tips To Manifest Your Dream Body

How to manifest your dream body

Are you ready to take a step into your dream body? And no, I’m not just talking about weight loss… I’m talking that complete package, #bodygoals, physique of your dreams! Slim waist but curves in all the right places? Lean muscle tone everywhere it matters? Sound’s like exactly what you deserve!  You see, you are […]

The 10 Best Manifestation Courses That Will Transform Your Life!

The Best Manifestation Courses

Have you been searching for the perfect manifestation course? Something to help you attract financial abundance, a loving relationship, a fast car… Or perhaps something else? Look no further, this article is for you! Now you may have heard before that applying the Law of Attraction to your life is simple! That all you need […]

251 Money Affirmations To Attract Unlimited Fortune And Wealth!

How to manifest money

Looking to attract prosperity and financial abundance into your life? Money affirmations are a powerful tool to help you to achieve these goals, but unfortunately many people get it wrong! In order for you to harness their full power and make them work for yourself, you need to understand just a few simple practices first! […]

13 Powerful Manifestation Techniques That Actually Get Results!

13 Manifestation techniques that work

Do you want manifestation techniques that actually work? It goes without saying that the Law of Attraction is always in motion… But surely there has to be a trick to having better control over the outcome right? Well, today is your lucky day… If you haven’t yet seen the results you hoped for, prepare to […]

5 Magical Positive Affirmation Tips To Rewire Your Brain For Success

5 Positive Affirmations

I’m not going to deny it… When I first heard about the idea of literally speaking your desires into existence, I was a little confused. Funnily enough, it was my doctor who recommended I try using affirmations as a way to combat my self-esteem issues. “What, like a magic spell?”, I asked sarcastically… “I’m just […]

6 Reasons Why You’re Manifesting The Opposite Of What You Want!

Why Isn't Your Manifestation Working?

Over the last few months, I have received questions from a few people who have stumbled across the same issue. They are manifesting in reverse! In other words, the opposite of what they are manifesting is showing up within their reality. If this is you then I completely understand the frustration… I mean, is there […]

Visualization For Athletes – How To Manifest Your Sports Goals

How athletes visualize

In 1912 a native American athlete by the name of Jim Thorpe boarded a ship to Sweden to attend the 1912 Olympic games. Thorpe was a long distance runner… But there was something distinctly different about his training routine in comparison with other athletes of that time. As a child, Thorpe has learned the skill […]

10 Effortless Steps To Manifest Weight Loss (How I Lost Over 13 Pounds!)

How To Manifest Weight Loss

Want to manifest weight loss? Have you ever scrolled through Instagram or Facebook and suddenly felt completely bombarded by annoyingly gorgeous bodies…? Perfect figure… scroll Toned Abs… urgh scroll Athletic build… Arghhh!! I mean, since when did social media become a full-blown guilt fest? But what if I told you that you could actually manifest […]

7 Essential Tips To Manifest Your Way Out Of Debt

How to manifest away debt

There’s no need to sugar coat the fact that being in debt sucks! Plain and simple! Imagine being trapped under a collapsed building… You look over and see the light that marks your way out… But each time you edge closer, another brick falls and blocks your path. Now, this may seem a tad extreme […]