Manifesting Your Reality With Water

Manifesting Your Reality With Water – The Two Cup Method

The art of manifestation incorporates a range of different techniques into the mastery of its principals.

Positive affirmations, visualization exercises and expressing gratitude are all common methods to help create the life you desire…

But did you know that you can manifest your reality with water?

Today we will dive deep (no pun intended) into the Two Cup Manifestation method.


This simple technique centers on the magic behind setting intention and has been proven successful by Manifestors and spiritualists all over the world.

You’re probably wondering how on earth water could possibly influence your desires (aside from the obvious fact that its consumption is necessary for survival).

But before we go into how water impacts the human reality, let’s take a look at how humans impact the reality of water molecules.

Snow Crystals

Human Consciousness Can Transform The Molecular Structure of Water

During the mid 90’s a man named Dr. Masaru Emoto began researching water in depth by freezing samples from all around the world and examining the molecular structure under a microscope.

What he found was that clean spring water molecules held beautiful, geometric patterns while polluted water molecules were distorted and somewhat unpleasant in their formation.

Furthermore, Dr. Emoto began exposing the water samples to different kinds of music, thought vibration and phrases.

What he found was oddly fascinating.

He discovered that human consciousness could transform the molecular structure of water.

Multiple samples of water from the same source were subjected to different emotions and then frozen for assessment.

The samples that were exposed to anger, hatred, and aggression appeared to take a deformed and random molecular form.

On the contrary, those that were exposed to love and positivity displayed a near perfect structure that resembled snowflakes.

In 1999, Dr. Emoto began publishing his findings for his book “The Hidden Messages in Water”, a New York Times Bestseller.

It is here where Dr. Emoto broke down each experiment with the accompanying photos of these magnificent ice crystals.

Water Is Influenced By Our Intentions

“It’s our intention. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.” – Jim Carrey

At this point, you may be thinking “what do pretty water molecules have to do with manifestation?

Think about it…

The reason that these water molecules change when they are exposed to different emotions is that the intent is being stored within.

In other words, different circumstances affect water in the same way that they affect our subconscious mind, as stored memories!

We know that in order to manifest we must set intent.

As the saying goes “you reap what you sow” or “you get out what you put in”.

That same energetic frequency that you send out to the universe, is then drawn right back into your reality.

When you charge water with intent, you impose an energetic memory within its molecules.

If you then consume the water, you are taking your intentions within and therefore becoming one with that very energy.

You see, humans are 70% water…

Physically, we are more water than we are anything else.

The water being carried around within our bodies holds the energetic signature of who we are.

This is important because when it comes to manifestation, you don’t attract the energy that you want, you attract the energy that you embody.

It makes sense though, doesn’t it?

Next time you pour a glass or run yourself a bath, set the intention and mentally channel positive energy into your water.

For example:

  • My body thrives on this amazing, fresh water.
  • I am so happy for the life I’m living.
  • I’m grateful to be drinking this life preserving water.
  • Thank you universe for this warm relaxing bath.

Another great way to set intention in your water is to label your drink bottles with positive affirmations or quotes.

Dr. Emoto proved in his work that labeling water alone is enough to change its molecular pattern.

This practice also plants a positive thought in your subconscious mind every time you reach for a drink of water.

Remember, when it comes to water keep your mindset positive.

Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs could potentially harm the structure of the water you consume.

Learn more here: 17 Limiting Beliefs Getting In The Way Of Your Manifestations

Quantum Jumping With the Two Cup Method

In this day and age, many quantum scientists are claiming the existence of infinite realities.

What’s even more interesting is that scientists are now theorizing that we can jump from one reality to another.

What this means is that there are realities where you are poor and realities where you are rich.

In one parallel universe, you are happy and in another you are depressed.

The possibilities are endless.

What’s more, is that we are living in every single one of these realities simultaneously!!

The only difference being where we hold our point of awareness.

Think of it as tuning into a radio station.

Let’s say you’re currently tuned into 96.6 FM.

Now 96.6 FM is a little static, you can hear the music playing but it’s just not quite ‘right’.

You adjust the tuning ever so slightly to 96.8 and hurray! You find the perfect frequency.

Quantum jumping is all about tuning into your perfect frequency and the Two Cup Manifestation method is just the leap to get there.

Essentially you are not leaving your “current existence” but just adjusting your point of awareness to somewhere that is more preferable.

Who Can Use The Two Cup Manifestation Method?

This method is fast becoming the most popular way to quantum jump into your desired reality and the success stories are taking the internet by storm!

The amazing thing about the Two Cup Manifestation method is that it can be used by anyone, anywhere for anything.

Below are some popular reasons why people quantum jump:

  • Weight loss
  • Happiness
  • Money
  • Romance
  • New Car

You can use this method for anything you want, but it’s important to be specific when setting your intention.

Now that we have been through the basics, let’s quantum jump right in!!

How To Set Powerful Intentions

Setting an intention is bringing forth a goal or desire from the mind and conspiring for that goal to manifest in its physical form…

Whether that goal or desire is geared toward money, love, peace, happiness or something else entirely.

The reason why it’s important to set intentions is that you came into existence to experience being a conscious creator.

1.) Get Clear With Yourself:

Humans are naturally very indecisive…

The truth is that we contradict ourselves and what we desire all the time.

Each seed that we sow has a period of unseen growth before sprouting into something tangible.

When you are indecisive with your intentions you essentially pluck that seed back out while it’s still in the ground…

Just to replant another…

The key to getting clear with yourself is to first break down your “why”.

Why do you want this thing?

What does it mean to you?

Where does this desire stem from?

When you know your why, you form an emotional connection with your desire and your intention becomes much easier to stick with.

2.) Solidify Your Intentions:

Okay so now that you have really thought about the kinds of intentions you wish to set, it’s time to solidify.

This is the action you take to ensure that your intention is set in stone.

Now, you can set your intention through either the spoken word, the written word or if you’re in a situation where you are pressed for time of privacy you may like to simply set your intention in thought-form.

3.) Let Go!

So you now have clarity and emotion behind your intention and you have sent it out to the universe…

You might be thinking “what now?”

Well, one of the most important components of the Law of Attraction is to know when and how to let go.

Once you have set your intention, let go in complete faith that you are now on the correct path that aligns with your desires.

By letting go in faith you ensure a speedy manifestation.

Now it’s important to note that when I say “let go” I don’t mean “give up”.

Let go of the attachment, the obsession, the need to control when your desire will manifest and how.

Simply have faith in the universe and carry on with having a high vibrational day.

The Two Cup Manifestation Method

The 2 Cup Method

You will need:

  • Two cups or glasses (they can be any size or shape)
  • Water
  • Post-it notes or water blessing labels (optional)
  • A marker

1.) Take your two cups and place them on a flat surface.

2.) Decide on a specific desire you wish to manifest (eg: A new car, career, love interest etc).

3.) On two separate pieces of paper write down your current situation and your desired outcome.

Side note: Try not to use negative connotations when writing your current situations. For example, words like poor, broke, lonely, and depressed could negatively impact your desired results. Instead use words like under-resourced, single or limited cash flow.

4.) Your desired outcome is essentially what you wish to manifest. It could say something like: happily married, full of abundance, complete happiness or prosperity but try and keep it specific.

5.) Stick the pieces of paper to each cup and pour water into the one that’s labeled with your current situation.

6.) Take a few minutes to truly visualize. Close your eyes and focus on the desired outcome label.

7.) Transfer the water from the current outcome cup into the desired outcome cup.

8.) Visualize how you will feel when the desired results manifest, take a few deep breaths and then drink the entire cup of water.

Another Helpful Tip:

Another way you can use the Two Cup Manifestation method is to do the same process but instead of drinking the water, tip it into a running bath.

Bathing in the waters of true intention is another great way to solidify your desires.

Please feel free to share your results!

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Charlotte Rogers
Charlotte Rogers

Charlie is a spiritual manifestation coach/teacher that has helped thousands of people around the world manifest their goals and desires. She’s been featured on Elephant Journal, Addicted 2 Success & More!

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